this is the about page dancing stick

Aliases Soda, Madeline, MK
Age 20
the loser is online
primary colors, bugs, mass-market paperback smell, ginger beer, video games
hater in the house
bad pet husbandry, avocados, personality tests, dolls, bad breath
Random Facts biology major, keeper of creatures

Favorite booktiny book The Dispossed (1974) - Ursula K. Le Guin
Favorite albumscat dance Speakerboxx/The Love Below (2003) - Outkast, Without You I'm Nothing (1998) - Placebo, Hospice (2009) - The Antlers
Favorite moviecamera IDK
Favorite videogamezelda link run Disco Elysium
Favorite animezelda fairy Revolutionary Girl Utena & Haibane Renmei
Games I'm playing rom disk Baldur's Gate I, II, & III, Splatoon 3, Team Fortress 2